Donnerstag, 26. September 2013

Sexy time...

I just finished the debut album of Darmstadt's new Stoner Metal band "Motor Mammoth". Usually we planned to make a 4 track demo, but when we decided to make a live recording in their reheasal room and they had even more tracks written, we wanted to capture this status of the band and recorded all they got at this moment.

So we produced "MMXIII", 7 tracks plus intro and interlude and an acapella outro. Better to say the band just played and I recorded, instead of "produced". It was a fun time and I really like the sound in the end. It fits to their sound and I like the idea that there are no overdubs at all. We only recorded the vocals afterwards at my studio. I had a lot of fun with the singer Daniel (we had the "sexy time" from the headline) and I wish that every singer, who enters my studio to work with me, has ball to do it right and still feels secure, even if I criticize a lot ;-)

After the recording I started mixing and then... I just started it all again when I got this analog desk from a friend to make the sound a little bit rougher with riding the faders up to the red LEDs. I loved the EQs of the desk. When you work analog, it's nice to gain some frequencies. It just fitted to their music so well
After mixing the whole thing we went to Marc Rückert at Lofthaus Studios for a quick master.
The record really reflects the sound and the skills of the band and so it feels good to me... and I hope to you too.

Enjoy "The Kraken"

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